Hello people.
I apologize for not posting in so long. I really didn't have much to say... Until now.
For years now, I have been involved in graphic art. I have been into graphic art for many years. And I love what I do very much. I have taken it upon myself, to on occasion try to do something nice for those in need.
As some of you know, I have had the honor of creating a few portraits for a charity that after investigating, have found out was a fantastic group, that helps out a great many that really need it.
I thought that having this limited ability in art that I do have, why not on occasion try to do something nice with it, to help those in a worse place in the world, than I am.
As a result, over the past few years, I have had the honor of creating portraits for a wonderful, very talented & very dear lady in a music group called Celtic Woman. Her name is Mairead Nesbitt.
I have had the honor to make several portraits of her, that have been raffled off, and all the money raised from these raffles, was then donated to her charity of choice (Oxfam Ireland Unwrapped.) a total now of over $7500.00 U.S.
However, in this latest raffle, which she has fully endorsed, signed the portrait as you will see in these photos below, there have been some dark forces, attempting to interfere. The identities of whom are not yet known to me exactly. But I do intend on finding out. I do have several theories.
Below is a letter that will soon be sent to the organization responsible for this interference. I do intend on getting to the bottom of this mess.
Even if I have to present a very long intricate story to the news media. That may happen soon. Below is the letter being presented to Celtic Woman LTD. More news & updates to follow soon.
Read On...
Sunday, 11-20-2011
To all at Celtic Woman LTD.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Glenn Skinner. A long time friend to Ms. Mairead Nesbitt, and associate of her fan forum web site. “The Mairead Nesbitt Fan Forum.”
I am Known on her forum, as “Glenn A.K.A. The Rotten Rebel. It has been brought to my attention , and to Mairead herself by now, that Celtic Woman LTD. Has denied the request made by those on her fan forum, to present her with a copy of a check, a rather large donation of money that is to be donated to “Oxfam Ireland Unwrapped.” A charity drive made in her name.
This charity drive, and the money raised, was the result of MY creating a portrait of her, that was signed and endorsed by Mairead, and was then raffled off, on her forum web site in her honor.
I personally, would like to know from you, Celtic Woman LTD. the reasoning behind this request denial. I have sent notice to her, in regards to this incident as well.
This project that we have done for her, in no way has anything to do with you at Celtic Woman LTD. A few moments of her time is all that was requested.
I believe that certain members of the news media would like to hear of this story, and the history of past request denials by those of you at Celtic Woman LTD.
Like for example, all U.S. PBS T.V. Stations, CNN, Based in Atlanta, even the Irish Independent news paper, just for starters.
And the general public might also be interested to know why is it, that a company like Celtic Woman LTD. would deny one of its performers, the right to accept an honorary check for a charity drive that has been made in their name.
And why it is treating the fans that spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on this very talented group in this economy, buying the tickets, the t shirts, the programs, the CD’s and the DVD’s, in this way.
I do think it might make a wonderful story for the news media to get hold of. Don’t you? In this economy. All this seems so counter productive for any company to be doing. One might believe there is something behind all of it, that needs to be known. I welcome your thoughts on all this as well.
Enclosed, is a photo of Mairead signing of the portrait for her charity drive. And yes, I am in the photo with her. The guy in a wheelchair.
I await your reply and explanation.
Sincerely and respectfully yours
Glenn, A.K.A. The Rotten Rebel
Moderator, Mairead Nesbitt Fan forum