Rotten Rebel's 1st Blog.
Well, it's been quite a ride over this past year for me. There have been many dramatic happenings in my life.
I have traveled to some great places, met some wonderful and talented people, made real friends. Made some of my dreams come true.
I have been fortunate enough, to meet a young lady, who's musical talent has for the first time, touched my heart. And brought to me, such a feeling inside, I still cannot properly define it.
A lady, whom I have become friends with. And, I have been so honored to have been able to help out a great many people with the artwork I have been blessed to be able to do, by making a portrait for "Oxfam Ireland Unwrapped."
A charity, that helps so many people who really have nothing. So, by doing what I like to do, I have in effect, made other peoples lives better.
And it all started, with the beautiful music, of greatly talented people. Some that don't understand, and have not really seen the big picture, might call me a stalker.
I would never do such a thing. That would be so mean. I think too highly of others to want to put anyone in such a place.
I have the greatest respect for this wonderful, very talented lady, and all those that she works with, to ever put her, let alone anyone else, in such an awkward situation.
That would be just so insulting to everything that people like her, are trying to do, with the gift they are sharing with people like myself.
I have now been to five concerts, this up and coming, will be my sixth, and maybe the last. Unless I can start making some serious coin.
But, I believe that all good things eventually do come to an end. I have had the best time, traveling to see these shows. Meeting the folks from her Forum Web Site. I have made some great friends. Met the most wonderful people in this group.
Truly, I have been having, the best of times. I have made a dream come true, and seen dreams come true for others along the way.
I have been happier in life than I have in a really long time. I am indebted to everyone I have met while I have been on this journey the past year or so.
There are some, that don't seem to get it though. Well, I just wish that they could have experienced what I have. Has it been worth it? Well, my answer to that is, I just wish I could have done something like this years ago.
For a long time, I have felt as though I wasn't ever getting anywhere in life. I felt like I was alone inside. There was an emptiness, that I can't quite describe. Lately, that feeling hasn't been around. It is because of music...
The music of a wonderful, talented, beautiful violinist.
Thank you Mairead, I feel I am a better person, because of what you, have given me.
Glenn, A.K.A. The Rotten Rebel